ABC of Learner’s – Gajera Vidyabhavan Utran -ENGLISH
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ABC of Learner’s

No one is born with motivation in life. A person needs to gain it, via any process. Motivation is one of the most important elements required to achieve greatness in life. Success and great things always begin from us. Motivation always keeps us align towards our goals and helps us to work with great zeal. Goals are the stepping stone which lead towards your dreams and motivation is one of the biggest factors to achieve them. Further, all our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. What it takes to be successful, is staying motivated. Motivation is therefore vital element in human life because it brings happiness, the passion to work and action to life”.

Keeping the above line in mind a motivational session “ABC of Learner’s” was organized for the Learners of Std 6th & 7th. The guest speaker was Dr. Ankita Mulani. She emphasized on the inspirational journey of various famous personalities across the world. Learners were also made aware about the importance of good life they have got now and how to live it happily. New style ABC of life was taught to them in a creative way. At last Learners were encouraged to take the lessons learned and apply them in their daily lives.


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