Cadet Badge Ceremony : Crowning the Leaders of Tomorrow – Gajera Vidyabhavan Utran -ENGLISH
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Cadet Badge Ceremony : Crowning the Leaders of Tomorrow

“If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then you are an excellent leader.”

Geniuses are not born, they are made. They are made through the fire of hard times, the water of acceptance, the air of letting go, the soil of hard work as well as the sky of dreams and vision.

The Cadet badge  ceremony is the crowning point for a year of hard work, dedication, discipline, creativity and intellect for our Kinder Gajerians. These dedicated little Gajerians are a credit to our institution and an inspiration to all.

Gajera Vidyabhavan believes in the philosophy of shared humanity, we aim to encourage children to become better human beings, better leaders by inculcating courtesy, curiosity, respect, self-discipline, empathy, commitment, punctuality, adaptability, and responsibility.

At GVU, we  build leaders, leaders who inspire others, and follow the school’s motto of spreading One Happiness- understanding that all goodness comes through effort and hard work, learning to be resilient and reflective at all times.

To inculcate the leadership qualities in students and to give them a feel of leaders and a sense of responsibility, the Cadet Badge ceremony was held in the prep section. The ceremony began on a propitious note by invoking the blessings of the omnipotent Almighty and the ceremonial lighting of the lamp by the panel of distinguished guests Dr Sanjay  Thummar and  Women Police Constable  Ms.Nipa Vasiya and Ms Jyoti   Varsani  from Utran  police station.The event commenced with a welcome dance by our Kinder Gajerians. A soulful musical rendition of the song  on “Shaan hai Gajera…” left the audience spellbound.

During the ceremony, those who were chosen had to pledge responsibility and honesty as good student leaders. They were all given badges for holding different positions.

To provide encouragement, The mentor and captain  were honored with badges.The children from each class enthusiastically participated in the ceremony.
It was a moment of pride for everyone for academic prowess was at the hilt.

The modules for Pre-primary are:
1.Head Boy
2. Head Girl
3. Prayer  Cadet
4. Cafeteria Cadet
5. Discipline Cadet
6. Prefect
7. Nature Cadet
8. Music Cadet
9. Drama Cadet
10. Science Cadet
11. Maths Cadet
12. Sports Cadet
13. Art Cadet
14. Dance Cadet
15. Language Cadet

The young minds along with their educators Incharges pledged an oath to tread the path of continuous sincerity to work wholeheartedly for the objective of their respective Clubs.

The Principal, Ms. Geeta Moradiya addressed the august gathering and motivated the learners to have a vision that decides whether one sinks or soars in the flight of life.

The vote of thanks was delivered by Ms. Bhavika Soni, who thanked the Principal for her vision and all the hard work and efforts that the educators  and the learners put in to make this event a huge success.

The Ceremony witnessed a new fervor and zeal in the learners and the Educators to work with more dedication and determination.

“Young children aren’t the leaders of tomorrow. They are the leaders of today and tomorrow.”


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