National Farmer’s Day Celebration_Dec-2023 – Gajera Vidyabhavan Utran -ENGLISH
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National Farmer’s Day Celebration_Dec-2023

Farmers are the ones who put their Heart and Soul into the Soil to give it Life and to give us Food. So let us thank them for their Effort and Salute them for their Hard Work.

Young Gajerians celebrated Farmer’s Day, to connect our budding citizens of tomorrow to the toiling food providers of the world. They were familiarized with the hardships of a farmer and the process of cultivating and harvesting food for us. Teachers explained the concept to Learners with the help of Drama. They also organized the plantation drive at school, whilst encouraging them to surge their interest in farming. Our Learners were also made known, in this world of potential burgeoning professions, farmers are regarded with great respect and thanked for being the nation’s backbone.


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