Parent Educator Meet – Productive teaching learning journey never ends. – Gajera Vidyabhavan Utran -ENGLISH
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Parent Educator Meet – Productive teaching learning journey never ends.

“Collaboration between parents and educators is the key to unlock a child's potential.”

A parent-teacher meeting is an opportunity to share the academic progress,observation in the classroom and home, assessments, and their interaction with teachers, friends, etc. By communicating with parents, teachers collect information about each child’s interests, learning style, and needs that will help them effectively reach those children.

To share the feedback of the students and to lay the foundation of a harmonious relationship with their parents, the school organized Parent -Educator Meeting on 29/07/2023.

The main objective was to create a common platform where the teachers and the parents can come together to discuss students’ performance and advise ways to enrich their learning from home experience.

The teachers briefed the parents about their ward’s performance during the first Assessment of the year. They were informed about the result of the first assessment  of their wards and  upcoming events of the month .Various projects like  toys, objects made from clay and Planted saplings were placed in the exhibition during the meeting. Kinder Gajerians were excited to see the toys they  made.

Together they identified the areas of strength and weakness of the child and sorted out ways to boost the child’s performance. Parents were encouraged for the participation of their children  in all kinds of curricular and co-curricular activities. Parents appreciated the initiative taken by Gajera Trust for conducting SM club on Saturday where children can perform their activities of their choice happily and the traditional monthly birth celebration  for the learners by performing Holy Havan rituals. We have also informed parents about the Laxmi Academy, the skill development extra class for the learners of the prep section.

The PEM came to an end with the conclusion that joint effort, mutual understanding and co-operation of parents and teachers is very important for the proper nourishment and progress of young learners.


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