Parenting Seminar – Gajera Vidyabhavan Utran -ENGLISH
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Parenting Seminar

The world is very different from the one we grew up in. What worked for our parents will not work for us. In the 21st century, parents have a greater role to play. 

Today’s parents are believed to be in constant pressure to get everything exactly ”right”–a pursuit of perfection that probably makes parenting feel hard. Parenting is a learning journey and children don’t come with instruction manuals. With the same view in mind a seminar on “Positive Parenting” was organized for the parents of Std 1st and 2nd. The session was conducted by Mr. Hitesh Patel. 

The workshops aim to show parents a path that can help them deal with some of the parenting issues in the 21st century. He helped our parents refresh their parenting skills, learn some wonderful new ways to positively parent and to develop some strategies for dealing with challenging behaviour. The session equipped parents to deal with all the confusing doubts, puzzling moments, and contradictory emotions that parenting entails. He emphasized that parents are the role models for children therefore, it becomes imperative for them to unlearn a few things and to acquire many new skills to model the personality they would like their child to be. He also stressed that it is imperious that parents boost the self-esteem of children at all levels. Very eloquently he explained that positive parenting is an amalgamation of parenting techniques based on love, respect, encouragement, discipline using assertiveness, care and positive environment. With many questions, doubts and dilemmas being clarified at the workshop, it turned out to be a highly interactive session.


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